Tucson Gems and Okinawan Dreams

I returned last night from the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. John and I flew there in search of Mexican Fire Opals, Australian Boulder Opals and Fire Agates. We returned triumphant. The show is mind blowing. Every hotel room and parking lot is filled with vendors from around the world displaying their treasures. The convention center houses the main show which features high end gems and designer jewelry. The security at this main convention show is amazing. This show is only open to wholesale buyers and after producing all the required proof, we were issued badges with a bar code. Each time we entered a room, security guards scanned our codes. Every booth had a full sized safe for storing the merchandise after hours. It was exciting and stressful to cover all the shows and make our choices.

Today I am frantically packing for our departure for Okinawa Japan in the morning. There is no more time to write today but I will keep a regular journal of our adventures once we arrive in Okinawa.
