Ten Hours to Manilla

Saturday, January 10th. Bangaan Village. Heritage village.
We wake early, check out of our hotel and are finished breakfast by 6:45. I have still not purchased a Hunter’s Backpack and I walk to the gift shop to buy the small rattan hunters back pack that I examined last night but it has been sold. I am very disappointed and don’t want to leave Banaue without one. Having shopped and compared in the village,  the two at our hotel were/are the best. I tell the sales girl that I was prepared to spend $3500 pesos for the one that was sold but not $5500 for the larger one. She offers the large one to me for $4500 but the owner is not here and she is not authorized to discount it further. Just as I am exiting the lobby, the owner comes running after me and offers me the large one for $3500. ($45) I am still disappointed because I would have preferred the smaller one, that got away, which was beautifully woven and designed for a women with a closing cover. I quickly pay the $3500 and exit the hotel with my purchase. 
Bangaan Rice Terraces
Bangaan Heritage Village
Bangaan Rice Terraces

Vista, Bangaan Rice Terraces
We meet the boys at their guest house for our morning tour of Bangaan Village.  We drive the muddy cliff hanging road, clogged with heavy road work machinery and with jeepneys trying to pass each other on the narrow mud slick road. Our jeepney has isinglass windows that diminish the view yet not the morning chill. The mountains are shrouded in fog and we stop at several view points for the required photos and John and Marky climb on top of our jeepney for the final leg of the drive to Bangaan.  
Trekking to Bangaan Heritage Village

Bangaan Heritage Village

Bangaan Heritage Village

Bangaan Heritage Village
This is my third day of rice terrace trekking and I feel somewhat conditioned and I appraise the trek down to the village in the valley below as an easy one. The initial part of the trail is steep and there are countless stone steps to descend. Once down the steepest section we descend more slowly, walking carefully along the narrow dikes dividing the terraces. The raised dike pathways are between 18” – 24” wide with irregular rock stepping stones imbedded in the mud. A few of the rice fields are lush and green with sprouting rice shoots and women, knee deep in mud, separate these brilliant green shoots and replant them with optimal spacing in the empty fields.  There are just a few women planting and I take particular notice of a girl of about 13, wearing ear buds who thrusts the shoots deep into the thick grey mud.

Rice Fields, Bangaan
Marky Pounding Rice
Husking Rice

Fighting and Acrobatic Carvings
Relief Carvings, Bangaan Heritage Village

At the bottom of this steep valley is Bangaan village, a UNESCO heritage site and the villagers are subsidized by the government to keep the old traditions.  Children scamper nimbly along the dikes, peeking shyly at us and a village woman shows us how to pound and husk the rice. There are a few souvenir  trinkets to buy and John and I argue who will buy  the one wooden lizard box. We are the only tourists and we wander the authentic village where pigs, chickens and one proud rooster wander. Three old and bent women walk by, presumably walking the steep terraces to the road above and I marvel that they are able to make the climb.
Stooped Women of Bangaan

Stone Stairway, Bangaan 
Marty in front of Bangaan Stilt House
How many feet do you see?
I take my time climbing the pathway and many steps up to the road and the return climb seems relatively easy.
It is 11:00 A.M. when we leave Banaue for our 10 hour drive back to Manila. Two hours into our drive we stop at a McDonnalds in Solano for lunch. John is sticking to a strict vegetarian diet and orders macaroni and cheese and French fries; a carb and trans-fat meal.  I regretfully have the same, thinking how displeased Stephanie would be with my choice but I am unwilling to complicate travel by bringing food alternatives from home.
Art, Marky, McDonnalds
Solano McDonnalds

I withdraw $20,000 pesos at the ATM and we are on the road again. We pass the time talking. John talks about the electron double slit experiment and uses his phone to write an analogy between this experiment and proving the existence of God and how observation can change the outcome. The conversation shifts to Mizuho and the Mishima family history. Their eldest brother, Mizuho, who passed away 8 years ago, was a Green Beret in the Special Forces and flew 26 missions in Viet Nam. It is fascinating listing to the two brother’s memories of their childhood on Okinawa. The subject shifts to John’s beliefs and John tells us that he feels that he would have been a good fit for the military;  a good and disciplined leader but that he doesn’t believe in what the U.S. is doing overseas and that he would not want to kill people.  Art talks about Japanese history…..John more about our environment, species going extinct…etc. 
Joe’s ex fiancé lives in Angeles about three hours outside of Manila. Joe has been texting her and the plan is to meet her briefly tonight. Our driver misses the turn for Angeles and I am not clear why we don’t turn back but Joe is quiet and withdrawn for the remainder of our drive. We drop Marky off at a bus terminal in Quezon City, a suburb of Manila. We say awkward good byes’ by the side of the road. The Sunday night traffic is light for Manila and we are soon pulling up in front of our Manila Crown Plaza Hotel. (Do not be fooled by the regal name; this hotel wears a very tarnished crown.)  Art’s and my room has a king bed and all the expected amenities, but the paint has formed cancerous bubbles above the air conditioner and the smoke detector will later cause us sleep deprivation.

It is 8:30 P.M. when we step out onto the streets of Manila to find dinner. We are exhausted and want to choose a restaurant quickly. There are several sushi  restaurants on either side of our “Royal” hotel and various female hawkers try to persuade us to enter their restaurants. One woman sidles up to John and asks him what he is looking for; would he like her? Another hawker asks John if he wants to go to a K.T.V; (Karaoke, T.V. and Video?)  We do our best to sidestep these aggressive hawkers and quickly choose a busy, smoke filled Japanese restaurant. Art and Joe order beef and vegetable rice bowls but as vegetarians, it is more challenging for John and me. I order a spring onion omelet and stir fry vegetables and John orders a croquette and rice. The vegetables are delicious and we order a second serving and wash our meals down with St. Miguel beers.

Japanese Restaurant, Manilla
It is 10:00 P.M. before we are back in our hotel. After quick showers, we fall into bed, anxious for sleep because our alarm is set for 4:30 A.M. to catch an early morning flight to Palawan.  I am beginning to drift when there is a chirp from a low battery smoke detector in the hallway just outside our door. The chirp sounds repeatedly at 1 minute intervals and Art calls the front desk. They tell us that they will call housekeeping.  Chirp….chirp….chirp.  Housekeeping comes and there is commotion outside our door but the chirp continues.  Art calls again but no one comes to change or remove the battery. Chirp….chirp….chirp. My blood pressure is rising and there is no chance of sleep. I make a third irritated call and shortly, there is a sharp knock at our door.  Art pulls on his clothes and opens the door and 3 maintenance men step into our room abruptly turning on the lights. They incorrectly assume that the detector is in our room and Art goes into the hallway and points up to the offensive alarm. There is more noise as the crew scrapes and bangs a ladder and it is midnight before the chirp is terminated. What we didn’t realize earlier was that the annoying chirp was distracting us from the thrumming beat and vibration from the disco a floor below.  I manage a couple of hours of sleep before the 3:45 earthquake wakes us and our hotel begins to sway.  

Guihob Hot Springs

Friday, January 9th

Trek to the Hungduan Rice Terraces.  
Hungduan Rice Terrace Vista

Art riding inside the Jeepney
Vista stops on the road to Hungduan

John and Marky on top of the Jeepney
Hungduan Rice Terrace Sign
Papa and Son

The trek down is not as strenuous as yesterday’s and is mostly along the narrow, meandering, stone dikes framing the rice terraces. The uneven stone pathways vary  between 12” – 18” wide and are slippery with mud so I must pay close attention to my footing and balance. We hike down, edging along the terraces for an hour before the rain begins in ernest; cross over a bridge footpath in the valley and begin our ascent on the other side.

Walking along the rice terrace dikes

Stepping stones along the dikes

Planting Rice, Hungduan
Hungduan Rice Terraces in the rain

Hungduan Rice Terrace Vista

Everything is deliciously green, slick and lush and I am chilled when we arrive at the Guihob hot springs and  we all look forward to slipping into the warm sulphur water. When we arrive, we sign a simple guest book and our guide pays the modest fee (included in our “tour.”)

Sulphur turns my ring black
Guihob Hot Springs
Frigid river beside the hot springs

Guihob Hot Springs

My swimsuit is underneath my clothes and I slip out of my damp jeans and stow my gear under wooden benches protected from the drizzle by an open round tin roof shelter. The natural hot spring is dammed and a half dozen other bathers soak in the clear hot pool. The frigid river is diverted and rushes along side the hot springs compound. I am wearing my silver Mavericks Wave ring and I notice it has immediately turned black from the sulphur. We soak and visit with the other bathers for 30 minutes before drying off and eating our meager lunch under the shelter of a picnic area. My egg and cheese sandwich is pasty and cold but I chew it dutifully, knowing that I will need the energy in order to ascend to our jeepney high up on the cliff road beyond.

Mossy stepping stones
Stone stairway to Hungduan

We arrive back in Banaue mid afternoon and treat ourselves to afternoon coffees and hot chocolates at a local café. There are no Starbucks here and no other patrons in the cafe which is dark when we enter. The waitress turns on the lights and a small T.V. glows from a corner of the ceiling.  A science fiction movie is showing that is of some interest to John, Marky and Art and just like back home, we check our phones for wifi. There is a bakery next door and Art steps out to buy pastries and returns with the uninspired sweets. Although this gloomy cafe is a far cry from the trendy cafes back home, I feel an overwhelming contentment, sipping the warm drinks and nibbling on odd pastries in this remote mountain town with my extended family. Late afternoon, Art and I hire a trike to take us back to our hotel to shower, rest and write. We ask our driver to pick us up at 6:15 for the return ride back to town.

Chess Game, Banaue
Banaue City

Banaue City Cafe
Video Game Arcade, Banaue

Our trike is waiting for us at the appointed time to take us into the town meet our family at the Las Vegas restaurant, just across from the Greenview Guesthouse.  I have come to expect little from the food but surprisingly this meal is reasonably good. John and I are trying to be vegetarian, but tonight, following Marky’s lead, I choose a saucy chicken dish and we order a bottle of wine for $400 pesos ($9) that tastes rather like a fruity “Thunderbird.” 

Las Vegas Restaurant, Banue City

John, Marky, Karaoke Bar

John, Art, Karaoke Bar

Marky, Karaoke Bar
Not ready to call it a night, we walk up the street to a Karaoke Bar. The bar is on the second story of a rickety wooden building with a plank floor and wood shutters thrown open wide. The mountain air is cold and damp and Art who is looking forward to a real drink is disappointed that the bar serves only beer.  We order beers and Marky shows us how to operated the karaoke machine and soon Marky, John and Art are singing away. Joe and I are more timid but I eventually decide to try my skills at “On The Road Again,” and completely humiliate myself. An hour later, the boys walk back to their lodge and Art and I take a tricycle back to our hotel.

Trekking the Batad Rice Terraces

Batad Rice Terraces
Thursday, January 8th  Batad Rice Terraces
Greenview Lodge, Banaue
Jeepneys, Banaue City
Our rambling Banaue Hotel, a 15 minute walk from the town center, is cold, dark and cavernous but we have slept well and are hungry for breakfast. The warming trays of scrambled eggs and mystery stir fry dishes are unappealing to me, but the brewed coffee is a welcome relief  from the instant coffee we’ve had during most of this trip.  Our driver picks us up at 8:00 A.M. to shuttle us to the Greenview Lodge where we meet up with Joe, John and Marky. Their rooms are extremely sparse and drafty and John tells me that he froze during the night with just one thin blanket, but their hotel has more charm than ours and is in the center of town. 
The Road to the Batad Rice Terraces
Road Construction, Batad

We climb into our private jeepney for the 45 minute drive to the departure point for our hike down the rice terraces of Batad. There are two long bench seats along either side of the vehicle and support bars overhead to hang onto when the going gets bumpy. The cliff road is under construction and we jostle along the narrow road as workers dynamite the hillside. I am a little worried that an avalanche of rocks will cascade down and crush us but I have obviously survived to write this account. We stop frequently to take photos of the jaw dropping vistas of rice terraces below and the verdant green mountains beyond. We are at 5,000 feet and mist hangs in the saddles between the mountains. As the morning warms, John and Marky climb on top of the jeepney, holding onto the luggage rails for the ride to the end of the road. It is common for overloaded jeepneys to pile both baggage and passengers upon their roofs, but I am anxious that an unexpected stop or bump in the road might send my boys flying.  
Marky and John on top of our Jeepney
We leave our jeepney at the end of the road and I give myself a silent pep talk as I stare down into the steep valley below and begin our trek down the to Bataad Village, hundreds of feet below. Sometime later this afternoon, I will need to climb back up to this saddle point to meet our jeepney for the return.  The cliff road ahead is still under construction and we begin our hike down along it, sidestepping piles of rocks, gravel and road working machinery and soon veer off to hike down a lush jungle path. There are occasional breaks in the foliage where we have glimpses of the rice terraces below but with each step down, I worry about how I will manage to climb back up. The flooded rice terraces are silvery reflections in the overcast morning with occasional patches of green where the starter shoots are growing. The pathway is steep and varied, alternating from dirt to chiseled stone steps cut into the hillside. 
The trail down to Batad
Marky, Batad Rice Terrace

Art, Joe, John and Marky, Batad Rice Terrace View

Half way down there is a tiny village, clinging to the hillside and we register our names and pay the Heritage fee. There are two simple restaurants, several home-stay guest houses and a village school. Our guide instructs us to order our lunch now so it will be ready on our return hike from the Tappiyah Waterfall, sill far below us in the valley.

Keep Batad Clean and Green
Signing into the Batad Visitor Center

We continue our climb down and enter the labyrinth of terraced rice paddies. We walk along the narrow dikes, a narrow stone pathway framing the edges of the flooded rice fields, stepping carefully upon the uneven stones, set deep in the mud. We pass a few tourists returning from the falls and I ask how difficult the final climb is down to the waterfall? If given time, I am quite sure I can make it both down and back up, but I do not want to be the one to slow up our group so I opt to return to the village above and wait for the “boys” at the restaurant.
John trekking the Batad Rice Terrace Dikes
Batad Rice Terrace Dikes
It is lovely to walk back alone and at my own pace. I retrace the stone pathways edging the terraces and as the pathway grows steeper, I stop frequently to catch my breath and inhale the view.  Two young boys, perhaps 4 or 5 years old offer their guide services to me and I laugh and take photos of the young entrepreneurs. 
Marty hiking the Batad rice terraces
Children along the path
Children of Batad
When I reach the hillside village, I choose one of the simple cafes and drink an especially delicious beer sitting on a wooden bench with an amphitheater view of the rice terraces below. For an hour, I am the only patron at the village cafe and I enjoy the solitude. The beer that I have consumed eventually requires that I find a bathroom and I ask to use the toilet behind a stained curtain and am surprised that the latrine also overlooks the valley below. An hour later, my boys return and we eat our pre-ordered lunches of fried rice and vegetables before starting our trek back up to the saddle and the waiting van. The return trek is not as difficult as I anticipated; my family is patient with my slower pace and an hour later, we are back in the van, jostling along the hillside road towards Banaue town. 
Upper Batad Village
Beer at a Batad Village Cafe
Hillside Inn, Batad

Lunch after the hike, Art and Marky
Return hike along the road
We poke into a few dimly lit shops with a smattering of souvenirs displayed on dusty shelves. Banaue is not your typical tourist town and there is little to buy here outside of necessities but John and I admire several “hunters” packs, made out of a rattan fiber and worn both as a rain covering and a day pack by the rice farmers. There are only a four for sale in three different town shops and we examine each carefully, comparing the workmanship and trying to discern whether the hunters packs are vintage or newly made. One is an obviously antique; brittle, stained and with a broken bottom and John and I decide to sleep on the decision and make our purchases tomorrow. 
Hunter’s Backpacks
It’s after 4:00 P.M. when Art and I squeeze into a cramped trike to take us back to our hotel to shower and rest. A motorcycle powers the trikes which can carry up to 3 passengers, but two fat Americans make a pretty full load. It costs 20 pesos, about .50 cents, for the ride back to our hotel.  
Banaue City Trikes
Marky shopping in Banaue

We assume that finding a trike to take us back into town will be easy but it isn’t and we end up walking the 20 minutes back into town. We meet Joe, Art, John and Marky at the Greenview Lodge for diner. John has just downloaded his grades online and tells us that he has all A’s so we are in celebratory moods; order a bottle of reasonably good Chilean red wine for $750 pesos, about $18 and toast to his success. (Joe points out that one of John’s A’s is an A-)

John, straight A celebration
Joe and Marky Greenview Lodge, Banaue

Rewind to Manila

Wednesday, January 7th
Parade Preparations – The Pope will be coming soon
We arrive in Manilla at 10:45 A.M, clear immigration and retrieve our bags easily.  I see Art’s brother Joe waiting for us outside of the terminal but I don’t want to exit until I have changed money. I wait in line at a non-working A.T.M; eventually admit defeat and exit without pesos. Joe has arranged for a 6 passenger van for our 10 hour drive to Banaue. The van and driver are waiting elsewhere and when I exit, Joe welcomes me and calls for the van. “Marky” is waiting in the van, is 19, slight, handsome and soft spoken. We connected with Mark Anthony about 12 years ago, through Childreach or Plan, when he was assigned to us as a foster child. English is spoken in the Philippines and he (with the help of his mother and the plan sponsors) would write laborious letters and send photos several times each year. Because our son John is of similar in age, it was easy to identify and to connect with him but at 18 years old, children “time out” of the program. Thanks to Facebook, Mark Anthony contacted me and we have communicated sporadically over the past two years. We have now invited Marky to be our guest on a three night trip to Banaue, a Unesco heritage site in the mountain provence of Luzon and meet him face to face for the first time.
John and Marky
Lunch at Jollibee

Our van is spacious enough but is lacking several seat belts which to me is of considerable concern, but at least some of us are belted in. John and Marky sit together in the rear seats and we begin our long drive towards Banaue through the noon traffic of Manila, clogged and barely moving. Long, ornately decorated Jeepneys, (Manila’s style of a mini-bus with two long bench seats along the inside and rear ladders and roof racks for extra passengers and for baggage,)  and trikes, (three wheeled vehicles, powered by a motorcycle and with a passenger side car adequate to carry 2-3 passengers, sardine style,) slip in and out of traffic. Scooters, often carrying 4 family members, children sandwiched in between adults and usually without helmets, add to the chaos and congestion.  It is amazing that we don’t hear the crunch of metal regularly. It takes us two hours to work our way out of Manila and we use this time to get to know Marky. We ask him about his work, his family, his education and his goals for the future.  He is the oldest of 5 children. He has 4 sisters, 15yrs, 13 yrs, 9 yrs and 6 yrs. His 15 year old sister is in 8th grade in Manila and lives with their aunt and uncle. Marky finished high school and has completed one year of university where he studied marine engineering.  He would like to be able to finish his studies at the university but rather than being a marine mechanic, he aspires to be a neurosurgeon. He now works full time to help pay for his sisters high school and to provide for his mother and his younger sisters back home in Samar.  Marky is a sales assistant for a Japanese clothing shop in Quetzon City, (a suburb of Manila) and makes a little over the minimum wage which is about $10.00 a day. He works 6 x 12 hour days at his job and shares a room with a friend who works at the same company. He is still on probation but they gave him this week off for vacation and he expects to be a regular employee soon. 
At 2:30 we stop for lunch at a Jollibee fast food restaurant. John and Marky pose beside the Jollibee mascot and I take photos.  (Art passes Marky a little spending money so that he won’t be stressed about personal expenses and at the same time tells him that he is our guest on this trip.) I am not impressed by the Jollibee experience but Joe tells us they are everywhere in the Philippines. Joe, John and I order spaghetti with a red meat sauce with a few chunks of hot dog mixed into the oddly sweet sauce.  Art orders a hamburger and Marky has fried chicken.  
The drive to Banaue is 10 hours and we still have 8 hours to go. Once outside of Manila we speed along  a new freeway above delicious green rice fields, lush vegetation, banana trees and palm trees. The countryside is flat except for Mount Arayae that rises above the rice fields in the distance.  About 8:00 P.M. we stop at a simple rest stop for dinner. The food is unappealing; uncovered cold pans of unidentifiable stir fry and the rotisserie chicken, that looks promising, won’t be ready for 30 minutes. We order simple bowls of noodle and vegetable soup which are at least hot and continue driving another two hours onto Banaue.
Greenview Lodge, Banaue
Greenview Lodge, Banaue

We arrive in Banaue at 10:30 P.M. Art and I have a room at the Banaue Hotel on the outskirts of town, a large sprawling tourist hotel that has seen finer days, and the boys; (Joe, John and Marky) have a triple room at the Greenview Lodge, a backpackers lodge, in the heart of town. (Apparently there were no triple rooms available at the Banaue Hotel.)  We part ways and after much needed showers, Art and I fall into bed exhausted. (Our hotels are a 15 minute walk , or 5 minute trike ride, from each other.)

Bird Parks and Bird Strikes

Tuesday, January 6th.

Sadly, this is our last day in Bali. We check our e-mail, call Alisha and John walks up to the laundry to retrieve our clean clothes. The manager of our bungalow comes to collect the money for our 6 nights. I was under the impression that I had already paid so there are a few awkward moments while we decide if we will pay in dollars or will need to go to an ATM for more rupiah. I will need to double check my credit card statement when I am back home but when I go to pull out the receipt for our bungalow, I find that I have misplaced our flight itinerary.  I imagine that I have left it at Tabra’s workshop but there is another moment of angst until we have a chance to retrieve it. 

Good Bye Tabra

At 11:45 Dedi and Tabra arrive, we load our luggage for our drive to the airport, but first we will go  go to the bird and reptile park. The bird park is remarkable. The grounds are a botanical paradise and impressive macaws and cockatoos of all sizes and colors sit uncaged on sheltered thatched perches. Several employees assist visitors to put the birds onto their arms and the parrots are extremely tame, sweet natured and well cared for. The highlight for me is a black Palm Cockatoo from Papua New  Guinea, the Hornbills and the watermelon shaped bird carving that adorns Tabra’s lemonade.

John with Hornbills
John with Blue and Gold Macaw
Marty with Black Palm Cockatoo
John and Tabra, African Grey

We walk next door to the reptile park, not nearly as good as the bird park but there is a large walk in enclosure where the Iguana’s roam free. I hold several big iguanas, loving the feel of their solid weight against my body. An Indonesian family comes into the park sized enclosure and the attendant offers their teen age boy the chance to hold an iguana.  He cringes and literally jumps backs in horror, as do the other members of his family.  I step forward and take the beautiful and docile lizard in my arms again. 

John and Iguana
Marty holding Iguana

Lunch at the Bird Park

It is time to say goodbye and we drive Tabra back to Pennastanna and say our sad farewells. Dedi drives us to the airport via another temple stop (?) where the full moon celebration seems to be continuing. We arrive at 4:15 and are surprised and delighted that we have stumbled upon yet another festival.  Colorfully dressed Balinese women wearing their lace kabayas with basket offerings on their heads and the men mostly dressed in white parade the walkway and steps leading up to the temple. A full Gamelon group plays beneath a large thatched staging area.  We follow the parade of worshipers up to the ornate gate of their open air temple but are not dressed appropriately so we only peek in. 

Temple Celebration
Temple Celebration
Temple Celebration

On our way to the airport, we visit the Tanah Lot Temple to watch the sunset. Dedi parks and waits for us in a tourist bus clogged parking area and we push our way through a maze of souvenir shops towards the beach.  The temple sits out on a rock, mini Mount St. Michelle style and wading distance from the rocky beach. Last month two Japanese tourists were washed away and drowned here. Hundreds of visitors throng the black (iron sand) beach and many stand silhouetted on a large rock watching the surf beyond. The sea seems calm enough but that is probably what the unfortunate Japanese couple believed. 

Tanah Lot Temple

Art, John and I wade barefoot between the beach and the rocky base of the temple. The water is only up to our ankles and there are several venerable old men, trying to help the tourists cross but Art takes my arm firmly and we wade across the 20 foot stretch where the tide ebbs and flows from both sides of the island temple. There is a fresh water spring in a small cave below the temple steps and after anointing ourselves from the holy spring, a temple priest presses several grains of rice to each of our foreheads and places a flower behind our ears. We then wade the shallow water to the spiraling steps encircling the rocky base of the temple.  We can only ascend 20 or 30 steps before there is a gate blocking the way of the tourists but we have a view out to sea and the sun is low on the horizon.

Tanah Lot Temple
Art, Tanah Lot Temple

We stop in Simayat for dinner, a town adjoining Kuta. The upscale shops are very different from those in Ubud and this is not the Bali I have come to know and love.  We stop Mandy’s Restaurant, a touristy mega restaurant with a dance floor where Balinese dances are in progress for the benefit of the tourist (and for the benefit of keeping the Balinese culture.) A table of ten beautiful costumed girls (age 8 – 15) sit alongside the stage and I presume these young girls are being trained in the traditional Balinese dance, not much different than our American girls taking ballet or modern dance.  The youngest of the dancers leans up against her mother waiting for her time on stage.  We invite Dedi to join us for dinner and watch the performance as we dine.

Young Balinese Dancers and John
Dedi drops us off at the airport at 10:30 P.M.  Our plane will not leave until 1:00 A.M.  We are early for check in and sit drinking beer before checking in and proceeding through security.  The airport departing tax is $20 each and we pay that and proceed to our gate to wait.  At 12:00 A.M. there is an announcement that our plane will be delayed 30 minutes due to a mechanical problem. (not a comforting announcement.) We watch the mechanics through the large plate glass window, taking inspection photos of the engine. At 1:00 A.M. there is another announcement telling us that the plane has been further delayed and at 1:45, a final announcement telling us that the airport is closing and our flight will not be until 7:00 A.M. We are to meet Art’s brother Joe and Mark Anthony at 5:00 A.M. in Manila and our plane will not have even left let. I send face book messages and e-mail and briefly curl up on the stained carpeted floor of the terminal. The Philippine Airline gate agents are mobbed by the stranded passengers and I move in to listen to the explanation of the delay.  Previous to our plane landing, our plane struck a bird or birds that may have compromised the engine. The agents tell us that we will be taken to a hotel but this makes little sense. I wake Art and John who have been sleeping on the carpeted floor and we groggily follow the agents through the airport and to immigration.  I am stupid with sleep deprivation but John halts me at immigration and says he just wants to go back to the gate and sleep on the floor. By now it is 3:00 A.M. and he tells me that it is crazy to go to a hotel because we will have to return to the airport at 5:30 A.M. and check in again and go through security. We try to resist passing the immigration counters but are firmly instructed that we must exit and an agent stamps VOID on our boarding passes. Another 30 minutes of confusion unfolds and we decide that as nice as a shower might be, we do not want to go to the hotel. We walk back up the escalator to the Bintang Beer restaurant where we drank beer earlier and commandeer two of their couches. I try to sleep but Art, still uncertain of our situation continues to wander the airport, talking to other stranded passengers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Full Moon Ceremony

Monday, January 5th.
It is Monday, a work day and Art has arranged to meet with Tabra and Dekti to discuss e-commerce and Etsy.  We drop off another load of dirty laundry at the laundromat before going to Tabra’s work shop compound.  When we arrive, Tabra shows John two finalized arrangements of gemstone pendants with, jaguars, fish and sun faces and quotes John a very reasonable price. He is thrilled and  wants both of them and they discuss the details of the pendants; where tiny silver bead dots will go, the placement of an emerald, a ruby set as the jaguar’s third eye, the size of the bail and where the piece will hinge.  It is fun to watch the two of them design.
The business end of being an artist. 
Art and Dekti

We move from the design room to where Dekti runs the office and John brings in three chairs for our business meeting.  Art talks with Dekti and Tabra about the strategies of Etsy and e-commerce and I interject occasionally.  At noon we walked down the village road to Vespa for lunch.  John, Art and I have bowls of steamed vegetables; extremely healthy but not very exciting. After lunch, Art goes his own way and John and I tag along on business errands with Tabra and Dekti.  Their first stop is the tailor where Tabra expects to pick up fabric belts but they are unexpectedly closed.  We drive to Kutuk’s, Tabra’s caster for the past many years. We sit on the terrace inside their family compound and Tabra inspects a bag of her finished castings and bone carved jaguar faces.
We drive to a second casting compound where Tabra picks up a number of unfinished castings; moon faces, cuff bracelets and bead components.  The manager of the shop offers John and me a tour and we enthusiastically accept.  5 or 6 young women sit in one small room, shooting waxes and freeing them from their rubber molds.  In the second room, several other workers create the trees with the green waxes in preparation for investment and casting.  Behind these two rooms is an open air casting area and we are cautioned that the kiln is firing. We step carefully around the kiln and smile at a young man with his mask pulled down and his goggles on top of his head.  John and I return to the courtyard and wait for Tabra to finish her business.  A twitter of female voices and laughter floats from the open doorway where the young women continue to work and we presume that they are talking about the handsome young American man who just visited their workshop.
Our final stop is at a roadside hardware shop. Tabra is looking for display hooks and embellishments for her shop. The bronze hardware is cast in Java and I pick up a card. There are some interesting designs  and Tabra buys a series of 4” bronze cast shadow puppets for decorations and a number of simple hooks.
We have agreed to meet Art back at our bungalow at 4:30 P.M. to have time to dress for the full moon ceremony at the Penestanan Temple.  Dekti drives us home, battling rush hour traffic along the narrow roads of Ubud and drops John off at the village intersection to meet Art.  I go with Tabra to her home and she changes into a sarong and lends me one for the ceremony.  Sashes or belts are a requirement and she ties one around my waist using one of her new and innovative bronze belt closers. We walk to her work compound and find Art and John waiting and looking very handsome in their borrowed sarongs.
The Barong, Art and John
John and Marty

We go to Vespa again, for drinks and appetizers and to wait for the full moon temple ceremony to begin.  The Vespa Cafe is at the main intersection of Penestanan – Kaja and the villagers begin to gather. 
Women in Lace Kabayas
John, Marty, Tabra, Art
The women are dressed in beautiful kabayas, form fitting lace tunics, many quite seductive with lace cut outs and nude netting that reveals the skin. Many of the women carry baskets on their heads, food to offer at the temple ceremony. Most of the men are dressed in white sarongs, white shirts and white head-dresses (hats) with turned up corners. The entire village has turned out and the procession parades down the street, the odd Gamelon music reverberating in the air. 
Penestana Full Moon Procession 
Dekti walks in the procession,  lovely in her kabaya, her posture rod straight and her head supporting a basket offering for the temple.
Penestana Full Moon Procession

Penestana Village Boys
Marty and Village Girls
Penestana Full Moon Gathering
Dedi walks with a group of men, alongside his Barong Beast.  We follow the procession down the village street to the temple, mesmerized by the beauty of the villagers, the fading afternoon light and the music. There are only a handful of foreigners present and we are dressed appropriately and respectifully. We take many photos asking permission of the village girls and boys who smile and giggle with delight.  We are experiencing the real Bali.
Full Moon Temple Ceremony

Sunday in Ubud, Bali

Sunday, January 4th, Ubud, Bali
After yesterdays intense sightseeing we plan a relaxing day in Ubud.  A little before 11:00 A.M. we walk to Tabra’s work compound where John is immediately absorbed in her trays of stones, beads and cast components.  While Tabra, Art and I talk, John arranges abalone, a carnelian carved fish, a silver jaguar head,  bronze sun face and crescent shaped fire agate into a row. He shuffles his arrangement adding other castings and interchanging stones. Tabra takes interest and encourages his creativity. Just as in my studio, there are trays of oddities and pieces that need repair or are discontinued.  John hones in on a boulder opal and emerald bracelet connector and is admiring it. Tabra points out that the larger of the two boulder opals is cracked and that she will have to take the piece apart and redo it. John tells her it is beautiful just the way it is and she takes his hand in hers and folds his fingers around the piece, giving it to him.  John is thrilled and within a minute has engineered a cord to wear the piece as a necklace.

Tabra’s Store on Hannamum Street
Arranging bead and stone components

It is Sunday and Dedi  has the day off so his father drives us to Hannamun street to drop us off in front of Tabra’s shop. I have been thinking about buying one of her gypsy skirts and slip into a rusty red and black skirt, sewn of printed Indian cotton that Tabra purchased on a recent trip to India.  I pay Tabra the family/friend price, exiting her shop feeling much prettier than when I entered in rolled up jeans. We exit and walk up Hannamum street, stopping into shops that interest us.  John and Art are usually a few shops ahead of Tabra and me but there is so much of interest that pace is easy and no one gets impatient.

We stop for lunch at a simple open air café. We order the usual, curried rice noodles with tofu, nasa goring, chicken curry, lime soda, lasses and special ice teas. My ice tea has two leeche fruits in it, is not too sweet and is oddly delicious. I order a second just so that I can have two more leeche fruits.

John, Bread Fruit, Ubud
Rock wall, Ubud Bali

After lunch we walk around the corner, up a side street and enter an upscale batik shirt shop. I remember being here 7 years ago. The shop is elegant and it is cool inside and the stacks of hand printed batik shirts are neatly folded and arranged by size. My fashion boy, John slips into several and preens in the mirror. He decides to buy a purple shirt and Tabra and I encourage Art to buy a more subtle, steel blue and brown shirt that will go well with both jeans and kaki brown pants. The shirts are about $35 each and I pass over my credit card and Art and John exit the shop wearing their new clothes.

Flower Mandala

We continue walking and shopping and cut along a side street to Monkey Forest Road where John remembers seeing a Barong Ring.  It is 4:30 and Tabra suggests a margarita and John and I concur.  It is happy hour and Art finds a café offering 2 for 1 margaritas and we sit down and order our drinks.  Service is “Bali time” and often frustratingly slow but we are eventually sipping on cool but smallish drinks.

At the bottom of Monkey Forest Road, John buy a high quality, sterling silver Garuda ring and bargains the price down from $10,000. to $8,000, or about $65.00. We take a taxi from Monkey Forest Road to the bottom of the stairs leading up to Penestanna.  Climbing the stairs gives Tabra and me a work out but we are rewarded by the Sunday night Bali buffet at the Yellow Flower Restaurant.  It is a full moon (or nearly one) and we sit at the edge of the terrace looking out over the valley and Ubud city below.  I am not thrilled with the banana leaf soup that is the first course and by the time we take our plates to the buffet, it is dark and difficult to see what I am spooning onto my plate. Nevertheless, it is a lovely balmy evening spent with our good friend Tabra underneath a full moon.  We walk the pathway back to our bungalow and say good night. Her walk from our bungalow to her house is less than 10 minutes and she tells us that she has no qualms walking alone at night; that Bali is safe. 

Elephant Caves, Holy Water and Rain

Saturday, January 3rd
I sit on our outdoor patio drinking coffee and writing until breakfast is delivered to us at 8:30 A.M.  Fresh fruit, scrambled eggs and toast is today’s menu. Promptly at 9:30 our driver, Dedi enters our gated garden compound and we briefly discuss our plans for the day. John has temples on his agenda and I inquire about visiting a batik village, kris making village and wood carving village along the way? Dedi carries a picture “menu” card in  his black Toyota minivan and John points to a variety of places that he would like to visit.  John’s and my mode of sightseeing, packing as much into a day as possible  is not Art’s style and he is in a sullen mood.  After changing money in Ubud we drive along one of the main “highways” connecting Ubud with Denpasar. I find the passing scenery fascinating and notice familiar landmarks that we passed several days earlier on our drive between Denpasar and Ubud. The road is lined with craft shops and workshops interspersed by family compounds. Steps rise to the ornate gated doorways of each compound and the ornate thatched and gilded cupolas of the family temples peek out above the walls. The traffic is heavy and scooters, often with three or four family members weave between the cars. The adults wear helmets but the children, sandwiched between are usually without. It is the rainy season and there are sudden bursts of heavy rain followed by shimmers of sunshine.  
Batik Factory Demonstration

Our first stop at a Batik factory is 45 minutes outside of Ubud. I was imagining a village with a number of small batik workshops and I am disappointed when we pull into the large parking lot of a mega store with tourists milling and keeping dry under a large covered outdoor reception area. There is a raised staging area where a dozen  of the workers demonstrate batik techniques. The store itself is cavernous with aisles of batik shirts, dresses, bags and reams of folded cloth. There is cloth of all quality and from printed cotton, batik cotton and fine silk batik.  Although much of the batik is lovely, the venue is overwhelming and unsatisfying and we stay only a few minutes.

Batuan Temple, Bali

Batuan Temple, Bali

We visit the Hindu, Batuan Temple, along the main road. After paying a modest entrance fee we are handed sarongs and belts so that we may enter the temple grounds respectfully dressed.
Our next stop is a Kris (Balinese knives and sword) workshop and showroom.  Dedi drives down a narrow side street to a family compound. The rain is torrential as we enter and I take off my shoes and “wade” barefoot up to the steps of the showroom. The wet tile and marble floor is slippery and I take care not to slip and fall.  A hundred or more Kris are for sale and John carefully examines them all but they are either not very pretty or extremely expensive and after 30 minutes we leave, wading back out to the car past two tethered birds, a Balinese Falcon and an Owl. They cock their heads and peer down from their perches.
Balinese Falcon

Tethered Owl at Kris Sword Shop
We stop at a wood carving factory, another cavernous showroom where we are shadowed by a polite but insistent young sales man, anxious to make a sale. Although some of the work is striking, there is no soul here and nothing interests us.  Seven years ago, we went to a Garuda wood carving village where a dozen separate workshops lined the street with rice paddies just beyond. We were inspired watching the men work and ultimately purchased one antique carved lion that we laboriously carried back home with us. We try to describe this village street to Dedi, but there has been so much growth in the last seven years that he does not know where this village is or if it still exists. We have lunch at a restaurant adjoining another wood carving shop.  The food is simple and we sit with Dedi on the covered marble terrace, eat and watch the torrential rain fall. 

Waiting for Lunch at a Woodcarving Shop

We arrive at Goa Gajah, the Elephant Cave and Dedi waits while Art, John and I pay the $1.50 entrance fee each, sarong included and walk down the pathway to the ruins below. 
Goa Gajah, the Elephant Cave
Water Temple Goddesses

Goa Gajah Water Temple

Goa Gajah was built in the 9th century as a sanctuary and the primary figure above the cave entrance is thought to be an elephant, thus the name. The bathing pools were not excavated until the 1950’s. There are a few visitors bathing in the pools, anointing themselves with the spring water spouting forth from the goddess’ urns. Down below the cave is the river and we hike down the stone stairs to where earthquakes have tumbled mammoth sized boulders into the river. The boulders are felted with green moss and roots of venerable banyan trees weave intricate patterns and vine tendrils hang low. It is a strikingly magical Utaki. (According to Okinwan folklore, an Utaki is a sacred and magical place.) 

Goa Gajah Grotto
Banyan Tree Roots

On the way back to the car we pass a group of craft stalls and stop to watch one man painting wooden eggs.  We buy three and he smiles graciously for a photo. 

Egg Painter, Goa Gajah

It’s mid afternoon when we arrive at the Gunung Kawi, an 11th century shrine.  Dedi cautions me that it is a long walk down and I cheerfully tell him that we will hurry. My legs are wobbly by the time I reach the bottom of the seemingly endless  path and stairway. The site is impressive with ten shrines, each 7 meters high,  carved into the cliff walls, five on either side of the river gorge. The shrines on one side of the river are thought to be dedicated to Anak Wungsu, his queens and concubines and the shrines on the other side of the river are believed to be dedicated to King Udayana and his queens and concubines. John climbs down into the river gorge but because of the long steep climb back to the parking area, I start my slow ascent. When we reconnect at the top, John excitedly tells us that he went on to explore other ruins and shrines along the river that were restricted to men only.

Gunung Kawi Shrine

Gunung Kawi Shrine

River below Gunung Kawi
It is late afternoon when we arrive at the Tirta Empul Water Temple. Dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu and built between the 10th and 14th century, the baths are famous for their holy water. The pools are crowded with devotees and John quickly finds a place to change into a sarong and is soon waist deep in the water, making the progression from one spout to the next, anointing his head with the holy spring water.  Art and I watch him with pride and delight, our son who embraces just about everything with wonder and an open mind.  
John Bathing at the Tirta Empul Water Temple
Tirta Empul Water Temple

Tirta Empul
It is 7:00 P.M. before we arrive back at our Topok House and the rain is torrential. We slosh through the mud and grass to our bungalow, clean up quickly and wait  on our front porch for Tabra, hoping that the rain will subside some so she can come to meet us as planned. She arrives graceful and unbothered by the rain, sheltered under an immense umbrella and we walk down the pathway in the direction of the stairs holding flashlights and umbrellas until we reach Laili Restaurant. The simple open air restaurant is lovely and I enjoy watching the rain fall from our sheltered seats. Since New Year’s John has stayed on a vegetarian regime and I am doing my best to follow suit, but this limits our options and stir fry rice and vegetables are becoming monotonous. 

Kecak Dance

Kecak Fire Dance
Friday, January 2, 2015
Sue, a pretty 34 year old Balinese woman (with a 10 month old baby boy) brings us breakfast of banana pancakes and plates of fresh fruit and we enjoy a relaxing morning in our garden paradise.  At 10:30 A.M. we gather our dirty laundry and walk up the road towards Tabra’s compound.  We leave our laundry at the village Laundromat and buy a carton of milk and take it back to our bungalow’s refrigerator so tomorrows instant coffee will be somewhat better. 

John with Tabra’s Fabric
Tabra carrying fabric
Tabra is not at her workshop yet, so we walk further up the road and see her walking towards us down a narrow village lane. She is dressed in a beautiful sarong and floppy straw sun hat and she is carrying a pile of colorful folded fabrics.  John takes the fabric from her and we walk with her to her workshop.  We sit in the compound courtyard and talk with Dektie and Tabra about Etsy; keywords, naming products, paying for ads etc. John shuffles through more trays of beads and stones  and arranges them in lineal patterns.
Tabra and Dekti

Jewelry Designing
We will spend the day on our own and we leave Tabra to her work. Art, John and I walk back through the village turning left at the banjan where the men rest on a raised platform and meander down the narrow rutted pathway, past our bungalow, across the bridge and down the worn mossy steps into Ubud. Turning right at the bottom of the stairs we walk over the bridge where we ate New Year’s dinner at “Bridges” restaurant.  Down to the left, in the gourge below,  is a renovated temple complex and we climb the stairway down to the temple.  Unfortunately the temple gate is padlocked but we look through the iron gates into the courtyard and return to the street above. We meander the main street slowly, poking into a few shops that interest us before veering off to the right to enjoy lunch at the Café de Artist’s. Art and John suggest an adjoining hole in the wall but I remember Tabra recommending this restaurant and we sit on the raised terrace of the elegant restaurant and drink lime juice and ice tea and enjoy delicious plates of nase goring and chicken sate. John is sticking to vegetarian diet and he orders fried noodles with tofu. It is raining when we leave the restaurant and Art buys a second umbrella and we continue our walk along the shop lined street. At the palace we turn left and go uphill away from the touristy  section of town. It is pleasant to simply wander and we eventually cut across along a narrow mossy alley and see signs pointing to a market. The “market” is dismal; two semi outdoor levels of tourist junk and aggressive vendors. The smell of putrid garbage hangs in the air and the cement is slick with slime.  Art and I cannot get out of there quickly enough. 
Rice Terrace Cafe
Art wants to have a drink at the Rice View Terrace Café, a café we passed yesterday  that backs up to a rice field and John is certain that he knows where it is. We eventually find it and sit on the shaded terrace and looking out onto verdant green rice paddies. Art and I sip ice coffees and John orders an Arak and lemon drink. Arak is a local liquor and we all take cautious sips and decide that I could probably use Arak to light my alcohol burner for wax carving.  
It is late afternoon when we take a taxi to the Sedona Spa, behind the Bintang Market, where we hope to have three massages.  We look over the spa menu and Art and I request 1.5 hour couples massage and John orders the hour massage followed with a green tea body exfoliation, yogurt lathering and a bath in a flower filled tub. My massage girl is remarkable. She irons out every knot along my spine and works the tendons in my shoulders and arms expertly. The 1.5 hours passes quickly and Art and I are soon showering, dressing and meeting John at the entrance to sip jasmine tea and nibble on sliced watermelon.  Our massages were $12000 ($10- $11) rupiah and John’s was $18000 ($16) Art pays the bill and we pass each women $3000 rupiah for a tip.

Kecak Dance
Kecak Dance
The Kecak dance will start at 7:30 and I want to take a taxi, but none are readily available and we walk the mile quickly in the dusk, dodging motorbikes and cars. My feet are tired and blisters threaten.  We reach the Kecak dance at 7:10, pay the $8000 for each ticket and climb the stairs to the stage. Along the stairway, there are beer and soda vendors competing for business and John asks one man the price of a large Bintang Beer for us to share. A women competitor pops open a beer and pushes it at John asking considerably more money for the same beer. There is a moment of confusion when John refuses her and turns back to the man but she quickly concedes to the first price and with beer in hand we hurry up the stairs to find seats. We get three of the last front row seats off to one side but we know that this is a circular show and are happy that the beer confusion didn’t cost us good seats.
Kecak Fire Dance

Kecak Fire Dance
When we visited seven years ago, we went to this same Kecak dance which was mesmerizing. The Kecak is a Balinese music dance and drama, first performed in the 1930’s depicting a battle from Ramayana. It is performed only by men, traditionally 150, all bare chested and wearing checkered sarongs. (Tonight, I count about 80 performers moving rhythmically in a circle.) Their syncopated clapping and chanting “CAK” is mysterious and pagan and we slip into the magic of the music. The dance culminates with a fire dance, the rooster outfitted performer walks barefoot on glowing coals, kicking the coals so they fan and blaze in the dark.  The clapping and chanting is intoxicating and the dance ends sooner than I would like.  After the performance, a Russian man sitting beside us, leaves his cell phone on his chair and John sprints through the crowd to find him. He returns for his phone but doesn’t seem very grateful but a few minutes later he seeks John out in the departing crowd and tries to give him $10000.  John refuses but we all feel a bit better about the “playing it forward.” We have an inexpensive noodle and rice dinner at a nearby restaurant and catch a taxi back to our bungalow in Penestanna. 

New Years Day in Bali

January 1 – New Year’s Day

Breakfast at Topok House

After so much traveling and a New Year’s Eve out, we sleep until 9:00 A.M. I wander from the walled oasis of our bungalow to inquire about breakfast?  Apparently they tried to bring us our breakfast earlier but we were still sleeping. A few minutes later, a lithe young man brings hot water, packets of cream and powdered coffee and we mix our grainy morning coffee. He disappears and returns a few minutes later with scrambled eggs and toast. It’s not a memorable breakfast but it will do and we sip and eat on the terrace of our secluded bungalow oasis.

Proposed Jewelry Designs
John sorting through bead components

We walk the few blocks up to Tabra’s workshop compound and are once again absorbed in the visual opulence of her trays of beads and piles of fabric and boards of sample displays. We talk design, Etsy business and about homesteading her 350 acres of undeveloped property outside of Limon, Costa Rica. John eventually grows impatient and at noon, we take a taxi to Tabra’s shop on Hannaman street.  We spend another hour in her shop, absorbed and admiring the jewelry and her clothing line and making a few too many suggestions.

Tabra’s Shop on Hannaman Street, Ubud
Inside Tabra’s Shop
Art and Tabra discuss business
John is quite the shopper and we wander Hannaman street looking for a Barong Ring. John carefully compares prices and quality between the many stores lining the street but later this afternoon, after happy hour margarita’s, John will buy two “silver“ rings for $25.00 only to discover later that they are silver-plated bronze. Art and Tabra discuss business over a delicious lunch at Kafe, a “hippy” sort of restaurant on Hannaman Street with organic salads and a variety of Indonesian dishes, washed down by fresh limeade.

It is late afternoon by the time we get to the Monkey Forest. I buy a small bunch of bananas and am immediately swarmed by the brazen monkeys at the entrance and toss down my banana booty to avoid being scratched, bitten and climbed on.  I love this park; shady and humid with huge banyan trees and cascading vine tendrils. The green moss grows thick on the stonewalls and stone sculptures. We spend an hour frolicking with the monkeys and eventually John buys a bunch of bananas. His intent is that I take his photo with a monkey or two on his shoulder for an Instagram post. The Monkeys are big, have sharp teeth and are aggressive and one gives John a warning bite. (Art suggests that for a really good U-tube video, John should stick the bunch of bananas down his pants and see what happens?) 

John, Monkeying around
John, Monkeying Around
Tabra and Art sit on a moss covered wall and wait while John and I climb down the long flight of steps to the grotto and the river below.  The grotto is my favorite part of the Monkey forest and we visit the large mossy stone sculptures of two Komodo Dragons and walk along the pathway above the river and see a large monitor lizard slinking along the rivers debris. The Komodo Dragon grotto seems to be  a secluded secret, but there are many tourists and a wedding party taking photos along the gorge pathway. In spite of the activity, this grotto is magical and worth the many steps both down and back up. 
Marty with a Dragon in the Monkey Forest
Monkey Forest Grotto Dragon Gate.

Marty in the Komodo Dragon Grotto
Komodo Dragon Grotto
After returning to meet Tabra and Art, we continue our meandering along the shops of Ubud; wall to wall shops with many intriguing and lovely things to spend our money on. It is Happy Hour time and we are enticed into a small restaurant and order two for one, margaritas. We sit in the grassy back garden and watch three white rabbits nibbling contentedly on the grass. (Did we perhaps we drink one too many margaritas?)
We have a mediocre dinner in the heart of Ubud but we enjoy good conversation; political, business and talk of developing Tabra’s Costa Rica property into a self sustaining art community and organic farm.  We stroll after dinner and buy John a beautiful and expensive Balinese shirt at an upscale shop. Tabra is interested in our purchase and the dynamics of the sale? The prices in the shop are fixed and we willingly pay the full price.  I explain that;  #1 We wanted the shirt. #2 The sales girls were darling and posed with John wearing their uniforms (that were of the same fabric of the shirt that John wanted to buy) and #3 We had recently enjoyed happy hour margaritas. The perfect storm to sell a $60 shirt when others in the market could be purchased for $10.

John and Sales Girls at the Batik Shop
Geckos on a lighted sign

We take a taxi back to Penestanan Village. Even late at night, men are still sitting on the Banjan, a raised and covered platform keeping watch along the dark village road. Tabra tells me she is never anxious about walking alone at night and we part ways at the intersection and she walks to her house and we walk downhill to our Topok House Bungalow.